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Queer Voice in the World

This December we will begin our Queer Voice in the World program. Birthed from our Out & Faithful committee, we envision QVW as a TED-style speaker series that investigates how LGBTQ perspectives can inform various dynamics of social justice.

The first event focuses on the topic of “Home” --homelessness, accommodations for elder LGBTQs, spiritual homes, gentrification and gayborhoods, and more. The talks will be followed by world cafe-style discussion groups guided by the insight and challenges presented by the speakers.  Come for a fun, stimulating evening of good ideas, big questions and, more than anything, hope for a changing world. 

Click here to learn more and RSVP

Earlier Event: December 11
Loft 23: The Game Loft
Later Event: December 13
Rainbow Buddhist Meditation