2018 Annual Juried art Exhibition
The William Way LGBT Community Center invites all LGBTQ artists from the five county Greater Philadelphia Region to submit their art for the 13th Annual Juried Art Exhibition to be held November 9 through December 28th, 2018.
Exhibition Dates: Exhibition takes place November 9 through December 28th, 2018
Opening Reception: Friday, November 9, 6:00 - 8:00pm
Deadline: All artwork submissions must be made by midnight October 16, 2018
Submissions Guidelines detail below:
Eligibility and Requirements
All LGBTQ artists, 18yo or older living in the Greater Philadelphia Area are eligible to participate. Self taught artists, emerging artists, student artists, and professional artists are all encouraged to apply. Please Note: Artists who have been previously selected for solo or group exhibitions in the last two years, as well as WWCC Board members, staff and Art Committee members are ineligible to apply.
*All artwork must not exceed these maximum limits: 48” height, 48” width, 4” depth and 20lbs weight. Artwork must be original and may be of any medium. All artwork must be delivered suitably framed, wired, & ready for gallery hanging (hook and nail system).
Exhibition Dates
Exhibition takes place from November 9 through December 28th, 2018
Awards & Prizes
Up to three artists will be selected to participate in a group exhibition at WWCC during 2019.
Selected recipients will be awarded a prize of $300 each.
Artwork also may be selected for purchase prizes. The artwork will become part of the Permanent Art Collection of WWCC.
Opening reception
The opening of the exhibition will be on Friday, November 9, 6:00 - 8:00pm
Scroll down to review the full submissions guidelines or click below to fill out the Application.
Winners of the 2016 juried art contest
Artworks: The WWCC Gallery will exhibit artwork that conforms within these maximum limitations: Height 48”, Width 48”, Depth 4”, Weight 20 lbs.
Mediums: All artwork must be original and two-dimensional. Be either traditional or digital photography, traditional or digital prints, drawings, paintings, collage, fiber, encaustic and mixed medium. Please Note: Photographs or prints of artist’s work are ineligible.
Eligibility: All emerging, academically trained and self taught LGBTQ artists who are 18 yo+, living within the five county Greater Philadelphia region, and who have been consistently creating artwork for at least 2 years. Please Note: Artists who have been previously selected for solo or group exhibitions in the last two years, WWCC Board members, Staff and Art Committee members are ineligible to apply.
Deadline: All artwork submissions must be made by midnight October 16, 2018.
Submission Process: All artists must submit an entry form above and up to 3 image files. All art submissions must be emailed to cmorrison@waygay.org. Please title the email, “WWCC Juried Exhibition 2018” and in the body of the email include: Artist name and phone number. Attach the following files to the email: image files for each artwork submitted (a maximum of 3) and the completed Application Form (available above).
Each image file will be jpeg format (maximum: 150dpi, 650 pix wide) and 3MB or less (saved), up to 3 maximum. Make sure each attached image file is titled lastname_firstname 1.jpg; lastname_firstname 2.jpg; lastname_firstname 3.jpg. All rights to the photographic digital images remain the property of the artist.
Presentation: All artwork must be presented at delivery ready for hanging (framed, wired for hook & nail only). All artwork must be original and created within the last two years.
Delivery: Selected artwork must be delivered to the WWCC 1315 Spruce St, Philadelphia 19107 at 12 noon on Sunday, November 4th. Please make sure that the artwork has attached to the back (1) Artist’s Statement about the artwork and (2) A printed label. See Artwork Labels at the WWCC website at (http://www.waygay.org).
Inspection: When the artwork is delivered it will be inspected for its condition and compliance with the exhibition guidelines and the original submission.
The WWCC may refuse works that are damaged, or are poorly constructed or presented (dirty mats, warped surfaces etc.). The following will not be accepted: wet paint, clamp/clip frames, thick bulky decorative frames not represented in the original jpg application submission.
The Artist’s Statement and Artwork Label on the back of the artwork will also be checked. A receipt will be exchanged for the artwork. Please note: If the artwork does not comply with the guidelines, it cannot be accepted.
Retrieval: All artworks can be collected at WWCC 1315 Spruce St, Philadelphia 19107 on Saturday, December 29th, 2018 or Sunday, December 30th, 2018. Please produce the receipt provided at delivery, or proof of identity (such as a driver’s license) when collecting the artwork. If the artwork is not collected by Thursday, January 3, 2019 it will be disposed of as the WWCC sees fit unless alternate arrangements have been made and agreed upon in writing to the gallery manager, Celena Morrison, cmorrison@waygay.org.
Liability: Artworks are not insured during the exhibition. The WWCC lobby art gallery is climate controlled and protected by an alarm system. Staff are present in the gallery during the hours of operation. At all times the WWCC takes care to maintain the artworks as they are received and while they are being exhibited. However, in the event of accidental damage, loss, theft or catastrophic building emergency, the WWCC cannot be held responsible for such events.
Notification: Acceptance or non-acceptance notifications will be emailed to the artist’s email address provided on the Application Form by October 26, 2018.
The WWCC reserves the right to reproduce accepted artworks for publicity and documentary archival purposes. All rights to the photographic digital images remain the property of the artist.