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MorningsOut Senior Social

Outing:  Rodeph Shalom Synagogue, Jerry Silverman

This week we will be given an historical tour of Rodeph Shalom and the “integrated” home of Beth Ahava LGBT Synagogue.

UPCOMING:  (details to follow, subject to change)
11/22/16: Topic- Post-Presidential Election Discussion
11/29/16: Art Museum Tour w Dan Evans
12/06/16: Brunch @ Spasso Grill ($20 Fixed price)
12/13/16: Annual Movie @ MorningsOut
12/20/16: Annual Holiday Potluck
… with many more Topics/Outings/Speakers/Events to come, and please feel free to offer suggestions…

MorningsOUT Senior Social:  A social/educational discussion group for GBT men 50+, with occasional outings, speakers & events. Light refreshments are served, but members' offerings are always appreciated. (Free)
For information, call the Center @ 215-732-2220, or to get on our mailing list, contact us at

If not going on Outings, informal sessions can still be held at the Center, just ask the Front Desk for an available room/space


Earlier Event: November 13
Rainbow Buddhist Meditation