Originally, the topic was to be about the election, but I have been asked to reconsider: SO, as we have at past Thanksgivings, let’s share those things for which we have been grateful in 2016, and what we look forward to in 2017.
NOTE: See sign-ins for Lunch Dec 6: FINAL call, asI must have numbers by next wee, so make sure I got your order right !
NOTE: For the 12/20 Potluck, Joe brought up the idea of ethnic recipes, so let’s bring something from our backgrounds. FYI, we have a microwave, and a slow oven JUST for reheating.
UPCOMING: (details to follow, subject to change)
11/29/16: Art Museum Tour w Dan Evans
12/06/16: Brunch @ Spasso Grill ($20 Fixed price)
12/13/16: Annual Movie @ MorningsOut
12/20/16: Annual Holiday Potluck
… with many more Topics/Outings/Speakers/Events to come, and please feel free to offer suggestions…
MorningsOUT Senior Social: A social/educational discussion group for GBT men 50+, with occasional outings, speakers & events. Light refreshments are served, but members' offerings are always appreciated. (Free)
For information, call the Center @ 215-732-2220, or to get on our mailing list, contact us at WWMorningsOut@gmail.com
If not going on Outings, informal sessions can still be held at the Center, just ask the Front Desk for an available room/space