"Levine is one of those writers who can command attention without even, I think, meaning to. Everyone knows she’s in the room." -CL Bledsoe
Eleanor Levine will be reading from her newly published anthology of poems, Waitress at the Red Moon Pizzeria. Levine's poems capture her experiences as a Jewish lesbian growing up in New York and are sweet vignettes of her life. Over 30 years of her life can be found within these pieces that deal with love, tragedy and heartbreak in a powerful and arresting way.
"There’s a great wisdom and equal parts stupidity to the human heart, and Levine excels at capturing both with a manic but real energy." -CL Bledsoe
Levine says, "Waitress at the Red Moon Pizzeria encompasses stories about lesbians, gay men, Jews, Tibetan monks, Palestinians, Zionists, etc., but I would say it is mostly a gay women's odyssey through the love triangle of lesbian dysfunction and love in New York City, New Jersey and Southwest Virginia."
Join us as we celebrate this great new queer work and listen to selections from the book.