SPEAKER: MorningsOut Members Show & Tell
On May 17 & 24 we are doing Show & Tell, at which MorningsOut Members have an opportunity to share something of themselves with the Group: be it a hobby, a great trip, personal/professional expertise or history.
UPCOMING: (details to follow, subject to change)
05/31/16: Acupuncture Demonstration
06/07/16: Poetry that made an impact on our lives; personal poetry
06/14/16: Chinatown Tour w Bob Skiba
06/28/16: Meditation- Mac & Joey D
07/26/16: GayFest 2016
09/20/16: Germantown Historic Houses Tour
TBD: AARP- Holistic Mind/Body Health
TBD: AARP- The Care Act
TBD: Navy Yard Walking Tour
TBD: 4th Annual Ben Franklin Bridge Tour
TBD: Intergenerational Discussion with a local University/High School LGBT Group
TBD: Buddhist Temple Tour
TBD: Mormon Temple
TBD: Yearly Brunch- Green Eggs or other Restaurant
… with many more Outings/Speakers/Topics/Events to come, and please feel free to offer suggestions…
MorningsOUT Senior Social: A social/educational discussion group for GBT men 50+, with occasional outings, speakers & events. Light refreshments served, but members' offerings are always appreciated. For information, please call the Center @ . If not going on Outings, informal sessions would still be available at the Center, just ask the Front Desk for an available room/space