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MorningsOUT Senior Social

TOPIC:  Poetry that Made an Impact- led By Mike G
What are your favorite poems?  They don’t have to rhyme, have a certain meter (do you remember what iambic pentameter is, or care?), or have a certain structure (think sonnets or haikus).  A poem can be anything that uses imagery or evokes an emotion.  It can be a lyric, like your favorite folk song, rock-n-roll classic, favorite hymn or  hip-hop piece.  It can be a Shakespeare sonnet, doggerel like Jabberwocky, or child-like like Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat.  It can be something you, your lover or a friend wrote.  If you wish to share, bring one to three poems, or just sit back enjoy those of others.

UPCOMING:   (details to follow, subject to change)
06/21/16: Chinatown Tour w Bob Skiba
06/28/16: SEPTA/PATCO Representative re new Senior Regulations
07/05/16: Meditation- Mac R & Joey D

07/12/16: GayFest 2016
07/19/16: "City in a Park: History of PhilaFairmount Park"- James McClelland/Lynn Miller
07/28/16: Summer Picnic @ Anderson
08/09/16: AARP- Holistic Mind/Body Health
09/20/16: Germantown Historic Houses Tour + In-House Topic
10/25/16: Philadelphia Councilman Mark Squilla
12/20/16: Annual Holiday Potluck
TBD: AARP- The Care Act
TBD: Navy Yard Walking Tour
TBD: 4th Annual Ben Franklin Bridge Tour
TBD: Intergenerational Discussion with a local University/High School LGBT Group
TBD: Buddhist Temple Tour

TBD: Memorial Hall Tour
TBD: Navy Yard Tour
TBD: Yearly Brunch- Green Eggs or other Restaurant
… with many more Topics/Outings/Speakers/ Events to come, and please feel free to offer suggestions

MorningsOUT Senior Social:  A social/educational discussion group for GBT men 50+, with occasional outings, speakers & events. Light refreshments served, but members' offerings are always appreciated. 
For information, please call the Center @ 215-732-2220

 If not going on Outings, informal sessions would still be available at the Center, just ask the Front Desk for an available room/space

Earlier Event: June 6
Bridge Club
Later Event: June 7
Tai Chi