SPEAKER: GayFest/Quince Productions- Rich Rubin & Cast
From Quince Productions: “GayFest! celebrates its sixth year of presenting LGBT theater in Philadelphia! This year the festival will be in Studio X and the new Louis Bluver Theatre @ the Drake. As always, it will feature four mainstage plays, and this year will have a special appearance by The Bang Group (marking the third GayFest! appearance of this New York-based dance company), and several one-night stands (of the theatrical variety). Join us for Philadelphia's gayest theater festival!”
UPCOMING: (details to follow, subject to change)
07/19/16: "City in a Park: History of Phila Fairmount Park"- James McClelland/Lynn Miller, authors
07/26/16: Summer Picnic @ Anderson Housing
08/09/16: Holistic Health- Mind/Body/Spirit & Aviva Care
08/23/16: Geriatric Care & Senior Advocacy- Dr. John Liantonio
08/30/16: The Care Act Update- AARP (with Lunch- limited)
09/13/16: “Literary Philadelphians: Poetry & Prose in City of Brotherly Love”- Thom Nickels, author
09/20/16: 1) Germantown Historic Houses Tour; 2) In-House Topic
10/25/16: Philadelphia Councilman Mark Squilla
12/20/16: Annual Holiday Potluck
TBD: Synagogue Tour: either Frank Lloyd Wright @ Elkins Park or Society Hill
TBD: Speaker & Discussion on Transgender
TBD: Navy Yard Walking Tour
TBD: 4th Annual Ben Franklin Bridge Tour
TBD: Intergenerational Discussion with a local University/High School LGBT Group
TBD: Buddhist Temple Tour
TBD: Memorial Hall Tour
TBD: Yearly Brunch- Green Eggs or other Restaurant
… with many more Topics/Outings/Speakers/Events to come, and please feel free to offer suggestions…
MorningsOUT Senior Social: A social/educational discussion group for GBT men 50+, with occasional outings, speakers & events. Light refreshments served, but members' offerings are always appreciated. If not going on Outings, informal sessions would still be available at the Center, just ask the Front Desk for an available room/space.
For information, please call the Center @ 215-732-2220