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MorningsOut Senior Social

Speaker:  Thom Nickles on His Book “Literary Philadelphia: A History of Poetry & Prose in the City of Brother Love”

"Thom Nickels returns to discuss his latest book. He is the author of several works of interest to Philadelphians, gay or straight, including: Gay and Lesbian Philadelphia and Legendary Locals of Center City Philadelphia. In this new book, Thom surveys Philadelphia’s literary landscape and authors with a local connection both famous and little known, from the city’s beginnings to more recent times. The tradition is rich and incudes names like Franklin, Whitman, Poe, Buck, Lippard, Taylor, Morley, Ingram, Rottenberg, and Sanchez, among others. (No books will be available for purchase. If you bring your personal copy, Thom will be happy to sign it.)"

UPCOMING:   (details to follow, subject to change)
09/20/16: 1) Germantown Historic Houses Tour; 2)  In-House Topic: Open Discussion
09/27/16: Trans 101- Dr Damon Constantinides & Dionne Stallworth

09/20/16: 1) Germantown Historic Houses Tour; 2)  In-House Topic: Open Discussion
09/27/16: Trans 101- Dr Damon Constantinides & Dionne Stallworth
10/04/16: Steve Glassman: On his work on national/state LGBT equality issues & personal experiences in national LGBT rights movement

10/18/16:  Powelton Village & Possible Historic Victorian Home(s)
10/25/16: Philadelphia Councilman Mark Squilla
11/08/16: Lydia, Hernandez, Phila Deputy Managing Director for Aging
11/15/16: Rodeph Sholom/Beth Ahava Tour
11/22/16: Topic- Post-Presidential Election Discussion
11/29/16: Art Museum Tour w Dan Evans
12/13/16: Annual Movie Morning
12/20/16: Annual Holiday Potluck
TBD: Yearly Brunch- Green Eggs or other Restaurant
10/18/16:  Powelton Village & Possible Historic Victorian Home(s)
10/25/16: Philadelphia Councilman Mark Squilla
11/08/16: Lydia, Hernandez, Phila Deputy Managing Director for Aging
11/15/16: Rodeph Sholom/Beth Ahava Tour
11/22/16: Topic- Post-Presidential Election Discussion
11/29/16: Art Museum Tour w Dan Evans
12/13/16: Annual Movie Morning
12/20/16: Annual Holiday Potluck
TBD: Yearly Brunch- Green Eggs or other Restaurant

… with many more Topics/Outings/Speakers/Events to come, and please feel free to offer suggestions

MorningsOUT Senior Social:  A social/educational discussion group for GBT men 50+, with occasional outings, speakers & events. Light refreshments are served, but members' offerings are always appreciated.
For information, please call the Center @ 

If not going on Outings, informal sessions would still be available at the Center, just ask the Front Desk for an available room/space


Earlier Event: September 12
Bridge Club
Later Event: September 13
Tai Chi