Outing: This week the group will be going on a self-guided tour of the Navy Yard. If interested, please contact the Center at 215-732-2220.
UPCOMING: (details to follow, subject to change)
09/13/16: “Literary Philadelphians: Poetry & Prose in City of Brotherly Love”- Thom Nickels, author
09/20/16: 1) Germantown Historic Houses Tour; 2) In-House Topic: Open Discussion
09/27/16: Trans 101- Dr Damon Constantinides & Dionne Stallworth
10/18/16: Powelton Village & Possible Historic Victorian Home(s)
10/25/16: Philadelphia Councilman Mark Squilla
11/08/16: Lydia, Hernandez, Phila Deputy Managing Director for Aging
11/15/16: Rodeph Sholom/Beth Ahava Tour
11/22/16: Topic- Post-Presidential Election Discussion
11/29/16: Art Museum Tour w Dan Evans
12/13/16: Annual Movie Morning
12/20/16: Annual Holiday Potluck
TBD: Yearly Brunch- Green Eggs or other Restaurant
… with many more Topics/Outings/Speakers/Events to come, and please feel free to offer suggestions…
MorningsOUT Senior Social: A social/educational discussion group for GBT men 50+, with occasional outings, speakers & events.
Light refreshments are served, but members' offerings are always appreciated. For information, please call the Center @ 215-732-2220
If not going on Outings, informal sessions would still be available at the Center, just ask the Front Desk for an available room/space