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The Center Celebrates the Arts in April

Join the Center for the following performances!

On Tuesday, April 25ththe West Philadelphia Orchestra benefits the Center!  Doors open at Franky Bradley's at 9pm for the performance and Balkan Dance Party! Purchase your tickets at the door, half of all proceeds go to support the Center!  Learn more about the West Philadelphia Orchestra here!  

April 27 through April 29thKun-Yang Lin Dancers presents Sanctuary @the Prince Theatre.  This is the world premiere of Santuario – a moving response to the tragic shootings at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando – and the critically acclaimed One: Immortal Game – an exploration of humankind’s rituals surrounding the drive to win. KYL/D will donate $5 of EVERY ticket sold to be shared by: New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia, William Way LGBT Community Center and the Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia.  Tickets can be purchased here.

Earlier Event: April 24
Bridge Club
Later Event: April 25
MorningsOut Senior Social