Leona’s 30th Anniversary of Coming Out Celebration
Thank you for helping Sponsor Placing My (Leona’s) 30th Anniversary Coming Out Memorial Photo Book into the William Way 40th Anniversary Time Capsule. As you already know, I am building a Memorial Photo Book representing my life and my community that’s grown from my Coming Out 30 years ago this September and I would like to include it in William Way’s 40th Anniversary Memorial Time Capsule.
In order to do this, I need to raise at least $5000 for William Way – and with your support, we can make this happen. I’m asking each of my friends to help donate at least $35 each to William Way’s time Capsule on my behalf so we can include the book and represent the community of family and friends I’ve been blessed with from being part of the LGBTQ community for the past 30 years.
All donations for this effort will be captured through this web page. If you found this page, you’re one of the many people are in my life that are part of my community because I’m part of LGBTQ community and/or because you’re someone who’s supported my choice and my friends regardless of your sexual orientation. One of the things I love is how broad and diverse my circle of friends truly is on so many levels.
In summer of ’85 I went home after freshman year and found myself missing a woman I’d met and become good friends with much more than I expected to. By the end of the summer, I realized I was definitely attracted to her as more than “just a friend”. That September, I came back to school and professed my attraction to her – luckily for me, and our friendship, she said no… but after that, there was no turning back. I realized I liked women – and had no intention of ever hiding that fact. But I had no idea how much of an impact that decision would have on my life, and more importantly, all the wonderful things that were to come because of it.
Please help support getting our memorial and representation of our community into the William Way 40th Anniversary Time Capsule.