We want to hear your story! The voices and individual stories of LGBT older people facing housing discrimination serve as pivotal tools in educating the public about the need for equal treatment. 


Housing is a large concern for LGBT older adults. With knowledge of how LGBT older adults feel about housing and what discrimination they have faced with housing, we can work towards improving housing and decreasing discrimination. Did you know:

  • One in 10 (13%) LGBT adults say that they have been discriminated against when searching for housing on the basis of their sexual orientations

  • One in four (25%) transgender adults say that they have been discriminated against when searching for housing on the basis of their gender identities, respectively.

  • 44% of LGBT older adults are very or extremely interested in living in an affordable LGBT-friendly housing development at some point in the future.

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Nondiscrimination laws protect people based on sexual orientation and gender identity in:

  • Housing
  • Employment
  • Public accommodations
  • Insurance

But, more than three of every five citizens live in jurisdictions that do not provide such protections, and they are needed.

Why Sharing Your Story is Powerful

Sharing your story has incredible power behind it for many reasons, including:

  • Building community
  • Educating about history and LGBT lives and experiences
  • Moving LGBT rights forward
  • First-person stories have the power to transform other people’s perspectives