Queer Voice in the World: Body

After a successful launch in 2015, we’re bringing back our intersectional and queer ideas talk series. Queer Voice in the World invites thinkers, provocateurs, storytellers and change agents to give brief TED-style takes on a common theme.

This month the theme is “Body”—body acceptance, body modification, physical ability and more. The talks will be followed by world cafe-style discussion groups guided by the insight and challenges presented by the speaker. Come for a fun, stimulating evening of good ideas, big questions and, more than anything, hope for a changing world.

Refreshments and World Cafe-style discussions during the program.

Dr. Timaree Schmit, Sex with Timaree
Barry Eichner, SuiteBE Photography
Jasmine Morrell, Spirited Tattoo Coalition
Ricky Cintron, former priest
Rachel Stevenson, ReshapingYOU

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